How to choose a safe high partition

The high partition system, with its unique wall performance, has an irreplaceable role in modern decoration. Its light transmission makes people feel the bright and spacious space, and is energy-saving and environmentally friendly. The use of finished high partitions will be the core of the development of wall materials in the decorative industry. It can be applied not only to large, medium and small offices, but also to exhibition venues, multi-purpose halls, star-rated hotels, office buildings, commercial office buildings, etc.

High partition lighting, sound insulation, fire protection, environmental protection, easy installation, reusable, mass production, etc. are obviously superior to traditional partition walls, but the artisan Xiaobian believes that the partition wall below 80MM thickness is not complete. The wall system can not meet the technical requirements of interior decoration for wall strength, fire prevention and sound insulation; partition wall as a building decoration structure is a system composed of panels, structural members, glue and other accessories, which is closely related to its environment. Therefore, for the high partition system, the quality of each element in the system (such as profiles, glass, sealant and hardware components), the structure selected during product design, the quality of project management and installation during installation and construction How to use and maintain the dimension is appropriate, these have a direct effect on the quality and safety of the high partition wall.

Then we should consider these elements when we choose decoration.
