The origin and origin of the amethyst legend

Crystal, the mysterious and longing for the sacred thing, it is the interpretation of love, it is the perfection of love, it is the love of crystal.

Amethyst, mysterious and romantic, is a symbol of honor and can also be used as an expression of love.

Amethyst has a cool color. Its legend is as fascinating as its color and slightly sad. According to legend, Dionysus was full of anger at the dispute with the goddess of the moon, Diana, and sent a fierce tiger to revenge, but unexpectedly met to see Diana's girl Amethyst, Diana to avoid the girl died in tiger claws Turn her into an innocent crystal statue. Seeing the girl as a statue, Bacchus repented of his actions, and the tears of repentance fell on the crystal statue, and suddenly it was dyed purple. This became the origin of the Amethyst we know today.

Purple is one of the rare colors in nature. It has always been considered the color of the royal family. The European royal family has chosen amethyst in many crowns. Both Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth in the UK have a special liking for amethyst.

The word amethyst in Greek means: won't let you get drunk. Therefore, people believe that wearing amethyst can not only enjoy the sweetness of the wine, but also not drunk and painful. Therefore, in the Middle Ages, there was a custom of making amethyst into a wine glass.

The ancient Romans followed the legend of Greece and also liked to wear amethyst rings at the banquet to avoid drunkenness. Although not necessarily anti-drunk, but as a good faith, it is good to increase the fun of wine tasting.

Amethyst is a kind of crystal (Crystal), which appears as a psychedelic purple color due to the presence of manganese in the crystal. It includes a variety of different purple tones ranging from light lilac to deep purple. In general, deep purple is more popular because it feels particularly mysterious. The more intense the color, the more precious. The most precious amethyst even presents a thick purple-red hue, but it is extremely rare. The light amethyst is also known as the French rose, which is more popular among young people. When the amethyst is exposed to strong sunlight or high temperature for a long time, the color of the crystal will become lighter. At this time, the color will be self-enriched, but will not return to the original concentration.

Amethyst is produced in Brazil, Uruguay, Bolivia, Argentina, Zambia and Namibia. The amethysts produced in South America are large and have a high degree of clarity. The amethysts produced in some parts of the state are small but brighter in color, and the two are unique. It is really difficult to choose. Before the new route has been opened, it is difficult for Europeans to obtain beautiful amethysts. Coupled with the royal family's love for amethyst and the public's follow-up, the price of amethyst was once extremely expensive and surpassed diamonds. It was not until the discovery of a new crystal deposit in South America that its price dropped.

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